Can You Trust Organic Food?

Can You Trust Organic Food?

Often I get asked how we can be sure what we’re buying is really organic. Since many of you will have set goals to eat better in 2013, I thought this would be a helpful bit of information to share. Aside from the issue of 

Heathly Fats

Heathly Fats

There is much controversy regarding dietary fats, including which types we should consume for optimal health.  No wonder – not all fats are created equally. Certainly, most of us are aware that saturated fats should be eaten in moderation and trans fats should be avoided 

Making the Most of Facebook

Making the Most of Facebook

As I strive to be more active on social media, especially on Facebook, you may have noticed that I started with a group Fans of Thirteen Moons and then added theThirteen Moons Culinary Wellness Retreat page. I’ve struggled to understand the differences between the two and often wondered 

Our Body’s Natural Rhythm Cycles

Our Body’s Natural Rhythm Cycles

Just as nature has its series of cycles – death and rebirth, seasons, – so too do we. There are biological rhythms within the body that dictate periods of tissue repair, tissue growth, waste elimination. These are known as the Circadian rhythms -a blend of 

Healthy Eating – Why Bother?

Healthy Eating – Why Bother?

Food plays such a huge role in our lives, it stands to reason that the quality of the whole experience can affect our state of health. Eating addresses our physiological needs for nourishment but it is also a key way that we nurture ourselves and others.